Wednesday 22 April 2015

Health benefits for eating fresh and pressed garlic to live healthy

To improve digestive system of your body farm fresh garlic is the great herb to purification of your blood. October and November is the perfect and best time for planting garlic also works equally well. The herb of garlic is so much popular that it is available throughout the year. We cannot call that it is seasoning food product because of it is available in all the season. Method of planting garlic is also very simple.
Little expertise and knowledge can work wonderful for good crop production.
When they dry out in spring season, they should be taken away from ground. Fresh and pressed garlic can be affected by a disease so it must be properly drained before it is supplied into market. Few of the pieces may be defective or rotten out. All pieces should be filtered out properly for good results. Also focus on storage area otherwise whole crop may be wasted after few weeks. 
 Thing should be keep in mind for caring of garlic :
  • It should be stored inside cool and dark place away from other food items.
  • It has strong smell that can affect other food products so precautions are necessary,
PTC Garlic is popular name and bulk suppliers of herb selling and distributing quality products to their customers. Crop is properly drained and filtered out for defective pieces before it is supplied into market. They have also maintained good storage space for fresh and pressed garlic crop inside their plant.
They are selling garlic in both forms – fresh and pressed as well. Pressed garlic is a long lasting option that can be used as any other spices in your kitchen. The normal quantity to add to your daily food is one to two grams only.
Check This :
Undoubtedly, fresh garlic is essential ingredient in so many food items. It is taken as leader of healing plants has more than 1000 medicinal benefits. It can be used to combat cancer or diabetes. It is good for heart attacks also. You should use it regularly in your food for best results.

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